Far from current generation Large Language Models (LLMs) like LLaMA, GPT or BERT, Markov chains offer a simple yet effective method for generating poetry. By analyzing a corpus of text (a poem), we can create a probabilistic model that predicts the next word based on the current word. This post explores a Poetry Generator that uses Markov chains to showcase a blend of technology and creativity.

Estimate the price of apartments in Mexico City using regression models trained on current data from the real estate market.

Writing an interactive Maze generator is a task that helps to illustrate various computer science concepts in a simple way. This is a C implementation based of one school project I did a while ago.

Join me with a Python-based project that helps visualize parabolic trajectories with user-defined impact points and maximum heights. We’ll talk about the underlying math, parametric equations, and visualization techniques to enhance your understanding of parabolic motion.

As my final project for my Computer Networks subject at ESCOM I wrote a simple packet sniffer in C, it was a fun little project and this is my documentation about it.